sâmbătă, 13 aprilie 2013

Infinity and Big Numbers

 What is Infinity?

  Infinity is the idea of something that has no end. In our world we don't have anything like it. So we imagine traveling on and on, trying hard to get there, but that is not actually infinity. So don't think like that (it just hurts your brain!). Just think "endless", or "boundless". If there is no reason something should stop, then it is infinite.
  Infinity is not "getting larger", it is already fully formed. Sometimes people (including me) say it "goes on and on" which sounds like it is growing somehow. But infinity does not do anything, it just is.
  Infinity is not a real number, it is an idea. An idea of something without an end. Infinity cannot be measured.
Even these faraway galaxies can't compete with infinity.

Big Numbers

  There are some really impressively big numbers.
  A Googol is 1 followed by one hundred zeros (10100) :

  A Googol is already bigger than the number of elementary particles in the known Universe, but then there is the Googolplex. It is 1 followed by Googol zeros. I can't even write down the number, because there is not enough matter in the universe to form all the zeros:
10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, ... (Googol number of Zeros)
  And there are even larger numbers that need to use "Power Towers" to write them down.
For example, a Googolplex can be written as this power tower:
That is ten to the power of (10 to the power of 100),
  But imagine an even bigger number like
And you can easily create much larger numbers than those!

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